
Burn is a school project that I designed in Fall 2022.
For this project, I pick Lipstick as my topic. Since childhood, I have been very interested in my mother’s Lipstick. After I grew up, I got my own Lipstick, and I became very interested in the history and meaning of Lipstick and design.
Burn is a school project that I designed in Fall 2022.
For this project, I pick Lipstick as my topic. Since childhood, I have been very interested in my mother’s Lipstick. After I grew up, I got my own Lipstick, and I became very interested in the history and meaning of Lipstick and design.
Chapter (5)
~ Burn
This project is about deconstruction. I designed a zine and a motion for the project. I am going to bring a symbol, a sign, and a commodity back to the essence of what lipstick is made of. Lipstick represents being sexualized and is the product of a male gaze. It also represents sexual liberation and feminism. My audience is the general public.
I didn't name the zine because it's a zine about the lipstick itself. I want to keep it simple. I designed it by deconstructing lipstick through color, texture, shape, and scent. Images may be abstract, this zine’s function is to giving people a basic understanding about the composition of lipstick.
For my motion piece, I named it as “BURN”. Burning is a process, a process of destruction, and then recovery from destruction. In this motion, I lit the lipstick. Ignited a commodity, a symbol. I want to bring it back to the essence. I thought about whether I could give a new meaning to lipstick, break with what it originally represented and rebuild a new language.